Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Things you do for fun in Ohio

We were in Ohio for four days. Cedar Point really only gets you through one day. So what's to do in Cleveland for three days?

1. Go to a market and check out the local foodstuffs. This was fun - we sampled dried green beans and cherry donuts and many flavors of popcorn. Against better judgment, we purchased and then ate a chocolate covered jalapeno pepper. The market trip was followed by a trip to Great Lakes Brewing Company, a local microbrewery. For the record, beer only makes your mouth hurt more, not less. Also for the record, the wait staff at the Great Lakes Brewing Company will think you are weird if you ask for a Lassi.

2. Go to Ohio wine country. Have you noticed that literally every state has a wine country now? We were more than warned by our hosts not to expect a Sonoma or even Virginia wine country experience and we quite enjoyed sampling the really really sweet wines while listening to probably the worst live music I have ever heard not on a boat.

3. Play in the backyard. Grass! Dog! BBQ! Garden! Fish pond! Trees! Tetherball! How neat to have a yard. This was mostly fun except for when Eric beat me at tetherball and I reacted like a 5 year old and stormed off furious when I lost. We also played a game called Cornhole which consists of throwing bean-filled sacks at a board. I insisted on calling it Cornholio the whole time because I think I am funny. I think everyone was relieved when I held it together after losing at Cornholio.

Arriving home late, late Sunday night after an interminable flight, Perm, our homeless neighbor, welcomed us back from his usual spot laying in his own filth on the sidewalk in front of our building.

It's good to be home.
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Sarah said...

We call Cornhole "Bags". But I will now definitely refer to it as Cornolio.

Sarah said...

I mean Cornholio. Damn the silent h!