Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, July 21, 2011


I taught my final yoga class at the Embarcadero YMCA this morning at the usual time of 6:30am.

I have a great group of regulars and we always have a lot of fun in spite of the early hour. (Pretty much every Thursday morning when I get up at 5:45am I decide that I need to quit and that this will be my last class. But then by the end of class it feels so worth it, I decide to stick with it a little longer).

But today actually was my last class and it was actually kind of sad.

The regulars and some of the Y staff all signed a card for me and they also gave me a $100 Amazon gift card. (Wow!) After class, one woman said, "I teared up during the final Om thinking that this was the last one." (Double wow.)

I don't actually think of myself as a great yoga teacher, so it was neat and a little surprising how attached this group had gotten to me. The comments in the card were just lovely - phrases like "healing touch" really meant a lot to me. I have really appreciated them and will miss them too.
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