Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Monday, March 16, 2009


I got one.

I realize this is no longer really news since I have alluded to it several times, but I feel it is time to remove the shroud of mystery from my new job. I am now...a consultant.

OK, yes this is what I was before, too. But it's different this time in some very important ways. I swear.

The most important difference is that I am now focused entirely on environmental sustainability. My new job is with a company called Blu Skye, a sustainability consultancy based here in San Francisco. As sustainability consultants, we help large companies like Wal-Mart and Waste Management figure out what sustainability means for them and how they can incorporate it into their strategy, use it to identify cost savings, spur innovation and strengthen their competitive advantage. This is interesting.

Other significant differences include that it is a smaller, younger firm, it doesn't have a work on-site model which requires one to travel 4-5 days a week so I get to sleep in my own bed a whole lot more, and it is at the center of some of the most interesting action in the sustainability revolution.

This is the beginning of my third week on the job and so far I am feeling extremely successful: I think I've got everyone's name down and I haven't physically lit anything on fire yet.

So far, so good! By the end of this week I might actually have had an interesting idea relevant to the project I am working on.
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1 comment:

Sarah said...

yay! Congratulations on the new J O B!

Word verification is the best one ever: SCOMBONG (I think we did a few of those in high school)