Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Miyagi School of Dance

Wednesday nights are salsa lesson nights with our dapper instructor Eric. He is a good teacher and works hard to put things into terms we can understand. He doesn't use fancy dance lingo even though I am sure that would make him seem smart and cool. Instead, he likens movements to things like stirring a pot or throwing a frisbee, which we can all relate to.

In the first lesson we took with him, instructor Eric immediately won student Eric over with a hand movement he called "wax on." This was a big hit.

Last night, we were learning a new salsa move that required a swift downward arm motion leading with the wrist. Student Eric lit up.

"Paint the fence!" he exclaimed.

Teacher Eric agreed that that was a great analogy and seemed mostly pleased about it, though I think I sensed just a hint of resentment that student Eric came up with it first.
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