Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Double word score on "crabby"

Important information part 1:
I love Scrabble. It is one of my favorite games. I am good at it.

Important information part 2:
One's second week of work can make one particularly vulnerable to frustration and sensitive to meeting performance expectations.

Relevant aside:
A friend was recently telling us about how no one will play games with her mother anymore because she is both a bad loser and a bad winner.

Possibly relevant aside:
Mini-marshmallows are delicious and nasty at the same time.

Last night, also known as the third time in his entire life that Eric has ever played Scrabble, Eric gave me a run for my money at Scrabble. It was mostly fun, except for the parts where I forgot that it was just a game and not the key to my self-worth and all future happiness.

In the end, I think it was a tie. I am a good tie-er.
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