Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Double gator

Gator Central, aka the pond in our back yard, is currently home to two alligators. One is about 3 feet long, the other one is a little bigger, probably closer to 4 feet long. Yesterday we saw them both creeping around the pond, eyeballs noiselessly gliding through the water. I was watching one of them through the binoculars we now keep in the kitchen for a close-up view when the whole gator's body came up out of the water for a split second and it's jaws cracked down on some form of pond prey. I think I made a sort of loud squawking sound out of a combination of surprise, fear and delight.

I am still not used to watching nature documentaries in my own back yard.

When we get a dog we will need to make sure it is a big one.

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1 comment:

ginger said...

ummmm, YIKES???!!!!