Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

35 weeks

Today I am officially 35 weeks, or about 8 months, pregnant with Groucho, a little brother for Emerson. I'm not really sure where the time has gone, at least partly because I think I am actively trying to repress the memory of our first few months here in Florida in the middle of the pregnancy. But I wanted to take a moment to write down what's going on with this pregnancy because this blog is actually a replacement for my brain which doesn't always hold onto memories so well right now even when I want it to. 

This pregnancy has been different from my pregnancy with Emerson in a couple of major ways. For one, I had a sugar aversion with Emerson and while that didn't stop me completely from the occasional cupcake it did mean I wasn't so much into sweets for that 9 months. With Groucho, I have had the opposite experience. I would eat exclusively sugar and be perfectly happy if that were a remotely acceptable thing to do, which of course it is not. Before we knew Groucho was a boy, this made me suspect that baby #2 would be a girl. I guess it just means he'll be a super sweet boy.

As I think is typical, I showed a lot sooner this time than I did the first time around. I had a very pregnant-looking belly pretty quickly this time which was nice in that I got to "feel" pregnant sooner, but was distressing because the trajectory suggested I would end up three times the size I did with Emerson. The good news I can report from 35 weeks that I didn't know at 15 weeks is that I plateaued significantly in the weight gain category and seem on track to be about the same amount of large as I was last time.

For those middle months when we were living in temporary furnished purgatory, I had a lot of back pain and I blamed it on the pregnancy. What I discovered after two nights of sleeping in my own bed is that it was just the terrible, terrible mattress in that grim little condo and my back has been in great shape ever since.

I have also noticed ways that Groucho himself is already different than Emerson. The way he moves around is different - more sharp and sudden movements and more stretching where I feel him seemingly at my collarbone and halfway down my thigh at the same time. He has also not had the hiccups nearly as much as Emerson did.

Groucho is great company and I am really excited to meet him on the outside in not too long.

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