Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, July 10, 2009

That's life

Eric did the grocery shopping this week and that almost always involves a few surprises.

One of the surprises this time was the addition of Life cereal to the breakfast roster. This wasn't one of the staples in my house growing up so it was kind of a fun new face at the breakfast table. He got the kind that tastes like cinnamon in addition to tasting like regular Life.

Apparently, it is physically impossible to eat Life cereal for breakfast without saying, at least every other bite,


Eric was so enthralled with this childish phrase that he continued saying it pretty much all day and into the evening. On Wednesday, everything "s'good."

Towards the end of the night, sleepy-eyed and sort of muppet-y, Eric said it a bunch of times in a row, and then burst out laughing.

"Did you hear that?" he asked, wide-eyed and conspiratorial.

"Um..." I didn't get it.


Further hysterical laughter ensued.
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