Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Other major life event update: Groucho

I met with my Tampa midwife (and her two kids) this morning for our first visit. Given everything else that is going on right now it can be easy (for others) to forget that in addition to trying to buy a house, work full time, adjust to a brand new place and be an attentive and nurturing mother and wife, my body is in the process of growing another human being right now.

It was actually great that her kids came along because they entertained Emerson while Rebecca and I talked about how my pregnancy is going. The short answer: all is well, though I am pretty tired and wish I had more opportunity to exercise.

I spent a lot of my first pregnancy wondering what labor would be like. I know now (and remember pretty vividly) what labor #1 was like* and I especially like it when people tell me that labor #2 is usually faster (but not always). But mostly I just focus on having this second little guy around to hang out with - which I tried to think about the first time around but had so little idea what to actually expect that it was quite intangible. Now I know how much fun it is to get to know this little person as he learns, grows and explores. The idea of having two little boys around the house, no matter how messy it means that house will be, is very exciting. I can hardly wait to meet Groucho (and I am glad that we still have a few months to get ready for that big event.)

*I would gladly do the ice water exercise straight for a week to skip the pain of labor. (But I won't do the epidural. Aren't I fascinating and complex?)
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