Sooner or later, everyone goes to the zoo.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Ring of Fire

The San Francisco Giants took on the Milwaukee* Brewers at AT&T Park last night to open the 2009 baseball season. We could see the lights on at the stadium, which is about six blocks from our place with no tall obstructions in between.

We've missed those guys! When we lived over by the ballpark we always knew when it was game day** and would often pop over for just a few innings. (In fact, this past Saturday when we went to see a pre-season A's v SF game in Oakland was the first time we've watched more than three innings of a game. I attribute it to the beautiful sunny, warm day. I think three innings is the max you can do at AT&T field without risking frostbite.)

I don't know who won but I do know that when the game was over there were a series of explosions known as fireworks. (I had fallen asleep watching "Who Killed the Electric Car?" which I was watching in spite of my resistance to movies whose title is a question, with the exception of "Who's Harry Crumb?" which is awesome.)

The fireworks were amazing! It was one of the better, and longer, fireworks displays I have ever seen. It had the ones that explode and then after a beat all the little points of light go squiggly, it had big shimmery ones ("It's like fungus!" marveled Eric), it had ones that looked like Saturn and other ones that were multicolored balls. There was even a cube that might have been the Giants' logo, and there was a whole series of enormous smiley faces. I swear.

I like any fireworks show that can be fully appreciated from the comfort of one's own chocolate velvet couch and following which one can be sound asleep in bed within moments. And this should be the first of many this season. Go Giants!

Epilogue: Eric, fixated on the fireworks, moved his foot, which moved the laptop cord, which knocked his Strong Beer glass (and his heart) onto the floor and into at least 40 small pieces. He remains sad this morning.

**The drunk people in the street were wearing Giants hats and shirts and there were more of them than normal.
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