Seeing Steve's hair (fur?) leaning eagerly towards the light does make me glad that my hair doesn't have its own tropisms, except for the days when I think maybe it does.
I don’t expect that my blog will be of enduring interest to anyone other than perhaps my mother (who, incidentally, struggles tremendously with the “technology” of the blog) but if you find yourself here and reading it, you might like to know a few things about me.
I grew up in Chicago and have moved every few years since going away to college, which is tough. Just a few months ago I moved from Washington DC to San Francisco and my mother seamlessly switched from worrying about terrorist attacks on our nation’s capital to worrying about earthquakes. I have a younger brother who just moved back to Chicago after five years in Barcelona and speaks Spanish fluently, but still not as well as I do.
I have a few superpowers: parallel parking, getting ready to go quickly, and sleeping on airplanes.
I’m an average dancer. I have an MBA. I like pumpkin pie. All things pumpkin-flavored, really. I wonder if that might be a sign that I have a beta carotene deficiency.
I am almost definitely not living up to my potential.
I am madly in love with my husband Eric; possibly obnoxiously so. I often wonder what I ever did to deserve him. Probably nothing, but I try not to let that lure me into dangerous moments of self-sabotage. Try.
So, pretty much I’m just your typical 31 year old professional-type woman trying to figure it all out. And though I am usually a pretty upbeat gal, I am a little worried about the future. Maybe, sometimes, a lot worried. But as I have learned in yoga and from endless books on being happy, the present moment is where it is at and so that is where I (try) to live. And where I blog. Comments welcome.
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